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List of users of AGICO instruments


Africa Show



Centre de Recherche en Astronomie, Astrophysique at Geophysique Alger JR-5

Burkina Faso

ENSI-F Fada N'Gourma JR-6, LDA5, PAM1
University of Ouagadougou Ouagadougou MFK1-FA


Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority Cairo JR-6
National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics Cairo MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-6
NMA Laboratory Cairo JR-5A


Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Addis Ababa Addis Ababa JR-6, LDA-3, KLY-4S


Industrial Research Center Tajoura Tripoli JR-6A
Petroleum Research Center Tripoli KLY-3


Dept. de Geologie, Universite Chouad'b Doukkali El Jadida KLY-3S

South Africa

Dept.of Geological Sciences, University KwaZulu-Natal Durban JR-6A, LDA5
DE BEERS Johannesburg KLY-2, KLY-3, KLF-3
Dept. of Geology, University of Johannesburg Johannesburg JR-6A
Council for Geoscience Pretoria JR-6A, MFK1-FA, CS-3
MINTEK Randburg KLY-2


America Show



Departamento de Ciencias Geologicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires JR-6, MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Tandil JR-6A


Instituto de Geociencias, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte KLY-2
FUNPEC/UFRN University Natal KLY-2, CS-2
Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco Recife KLY-3, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Observatorio Nacional Rio de Janeiro MFK2-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
IAG, Departamento de Geofisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo JR-6A, MFK1-FA, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, LDA5, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Instituto de Geociencias, Universidade de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo JR-6A, JR-5A, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
Instituto de Oceanografico da Universidade de Sao Paulo Sao Paulo MFK1-FA, CS4


Dept.of Geography, University of Lethbridge Lethbridge, Alberta JR-6A
Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Ottawa Ottawa KLY-2
Saskatchewan Research Council Saskatoon KLY5-B
Pacific Geoscience Center Sidney, British Columbia JR-6A, JR-5A
Dept. of Geology, Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario JR-5A
Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Windsor Windsor, Ontario KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L


Universidad EAFIT Medellin MFK1-FB


Paleomagnetic Laboratory Havana JR-5, KLY-2

Chile Ciencias Geologicas, Universidad Catolica del Norte Antofagasta MFK1-FA, CS4
Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Geologia Santiago JR-5A, KLY-3S, CS-3


CICESE Ensenada MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, JR-5A, KLY-3, LDA-3, AMU-1
Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM Mexico City MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6, JR-5A, LDA5
Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM Morelia MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, MFK1-B, JR-6, LDA5, PAM1, JR-5, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Centro de Geociencias , UNAM Campus Juriquilla Queretaro JR-6, JR-5A, KLY-3, LDA-3A


Direccion Nacional de Mineria y Geologia Montevideo MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L


Dept. of Earth and Planet. Sciences, Univ. of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico KLY-4S
Dept. of Geological Sciences, Univ. Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan MFK1-B
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana KLY-3S, CS-3, LDA-3, AMU-1
Dept. of Geology, Western Washington University Bellingham, Washington State JR-6A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pennsylvania KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
Dept. of Geology, State University of New York Binghamton, New York KLY-3
Boston College Boston, Massachusetts KLY5-A, CS4, CS-L
Dept. of Geology, Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania JR-6A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L, MFK1-FA
Dept. of Geoplogy, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois KLY-4S
Hamilton College Clinton, New York KLY5-A
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program College Station, Texas JR-6A, KLY-4S, MFK2-FA
Dept. of Environmental Studies, Ursinus College Collegeville, Pennsylvania KLY-4S
Byrd Polar Research Center, Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio JR-5A, KLY-3S
Dept.of Geosciences, University of Texas Dallas, Texas MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-6A
Dept. of Geology, University of California Davis, California KLY-2, CS-2
U. S. Geological Survey Denver, Colorado JR-5A, KLY-3S, CS-3
Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska JR-6A
Dept. of Geography and Earth Science, George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia JR-5A, KLY-3S, CS-3
Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, California State University Fresno,California JR-6
Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Florida Gainesville, Forida KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L, JR-6A
Dept. of Geological Sciences, State University of New York Geneseo, New York JR-6A, MFK1-A
Dept.of Geosciences, East Carolina University Greenville, North Carolina MFK1-A
Dept. of Geology, Colgate University Hamilton, New York KLY-2
Dept. of Physics, Trinity College Hartford, Connecticut MFK2-FA, CS4, JR-6, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L
Hawaii Institute of Geophysics, University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii MFK1-FA, JR-5A, KLY-2, CS-23, CS-L, KLF-3
Dept. of Geology and Mining Engineering, Michigan Tech Houghton, Michigan MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
Univ.of Houston, Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Houston, Texas JR-6A, JR-5, KLY5-B
Scripp's Institute of Oceanography La Jolla, California KLY-4S
University of Louisiana Lafayette, Louisiana JR-6
Dept. of Natural Resources, New Mexico Highlands University Las Vegas, New Mexico JR-6A, MFK1-A, CS4
LANL Los Alamos, New Mexico MFK1-FA
Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California Los Angeles, California KLY-4S, CS-3
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin KLY-3S
Earth and Ocean Sciences, Tufts University Medford, Massachusetts MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-6
U. S. Geological Survey Menlo Park, California MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
Dept.of Geosciences, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Wisconsin MFK1-FA, CS4
IRM, University of Minesota Minneapolis, Minnesota KLY-2, CS-2, MFK1-FA, CS4
Dept. of Anthropology and Earth Sciences, Minesota State University Moorhead, Minnesota JR-6, KLY-4S, CS-3
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, Yale University New Haven, Connecticut JR-6A, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L
University of New Orleans New Orleans, Louisiana KLY-3S
School of Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma MFK1-FA
Geol.and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
University of Nevada Reno, Nevada JR-5A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Rochester Rochester, New York JR-5A, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah Salt Lake City, Utah KLY-2, CS-2
University of California Santa Barbara, California KLY-2
Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz, California JR-5A, MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, KLY-3S
Dept. of Geology and Physics, Lake Superior State University Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan JR-5A
Stanford University Stanford, California MFK2-FA, CS4, CS-L
Dept. of Geosciences, University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona KLY-3S, CS-3
Dept.of Earth and Environ. Studies, Montclair State University Upper Montclair, New Jersey MFK2-FA, CS4, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, JR-6


Asia Show



Geological Survey of Afghanistan Kabul MFK1-FA, JR-6A


Geological Inst. of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Baku KLY-2, JR-6, LDA5, PAM1


KIMS Tbilisi KLY-2


Hainan University Haikou MFK2-FA, CS4
Baoji University of Arts and Sciences Baoji MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Beijing Eusci Technologies Ltd. Beijing MFK2-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A
Capital Normal University Beijing JR-6, MFK1-FA, CS4,
CNNC Research Institute of Uranium Geology Beijing MFK1-FA
China University of Geosciences Beijing MFK1-FA, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, JR-6A
Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration Beijing MFK1-FA
Institute of Geology Beijing MFK2-FA, CS4
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-5A, KLY-4S, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Beijing MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences Beijing KLY-4S, CS-3, JR-6A, MFK2-FA, CS4, CS-L
Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration Beijing MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A
Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing JR-5A, KLY-4S, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
Institute of Mineral Resources, CAGS Beijing MFK2-FA, CS4
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
National Astronomical Observatories CAS Beijing MFK1-FA
National Energy Shale Gas Research & Development Center CNPC Beijing JR-6A
Peking University Beijing JR-6A, MFK1-FA, CS4
Fujian Normal University Fuzhou MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
PetroChina SW Oil Field Company Guanghan JR-6A
Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangzhou MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A
South China Normal University Guangzhou MFK2-FA, JR-6, LDA5, PAM1
South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangzhou MFK1-FA, JR-6A
State Oceanic Administration Guangzhou MFK1-FA, CS4
Sun Yat-Sen University Guangzhou MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, KLY5-A, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
University of Guangzhou Guangzhou MFK1-FA, CS4
Guilin University of Technology Guilin MFK1-FA, CS4
Second Inst.of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration Hangzhou MFK2-FA, MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A
Zhejiang University Hangzhou MFK1-A, CS4, JR-6A
Geological Exploration Technology Institute of Anhui Province Hefei JR-6A
University of Hong Kong HongKong JR-6A
Jilin University Changchun JR-6, LDA5
Central South University Changsha MFK1-FA
Engineering Technology Research Institute Chengu JR-6A
Chengdu University of Technology Chengu JR-6A
Sichuan Agricultural University Chengu MFK1-FA, CS4
Chongqing Normal University Chongqing JR-6A
Southwest University of Chongqing Chongqing JR-6, MFK1-FA
Zhejiang Normal University Jinhua MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-6A
Inst. of Exploration and Development, Xinjiang Admin.Bureau, CNPC Kelamayi JR-6A
Inst.of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration CAGS Langfang JR-6A, MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, LDA5, PAM1
Dept. of Geography, Lanzhou Universit Lanzhou JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L, JR-5A, LDA-3, AMU-1
Huaihai Inst. Of Technology Lianyungang JR-6, LDA5, PAM1
Linyi Normal College Linyi MFK1-A
Dept.of City and Resources Sciences, University of Nanjing Nanjing JR-6A, KLY-3
Dept.of Earth Sciences, University of Nanjing Nanjing JR-6A, KLY-3S, CS-3
China Geological Survey, Nanjing Center Nanjing JR-6A
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology Nanjing MFK1-FA
Nanjing Normal University Nanjing MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L
DMSTC, Qingdao National Laboratory Qingdao MFK2-FA CS4, CS-L
Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, China Geology Survey Qingdao MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-6A
University of China Qingdao JR-6A
Shangdong University Shangdong JR-6A, MFK2-FA, CS4, CS-L, LDA5, PAM1
East China Normal University Shanghai JR-6, MFK1-FA, CS4
Tongji University, State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology Shanghai MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A
China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Shenyang Research Inst. Shenyang MFK2-FA, CS4
Peking Univ. Shenzhen Branch Shenzhen MFK1-B
Southern University of Science and Technology Shenzhen MFK2-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A
Hebei Normal University Shijazhuang MFK1-FA
Inst.of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, Chinese Academy of Geosciences Shijazhuang MFK2-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Tianjin Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources Tianjin MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
China University of Geosciences, Wuhan JR-6, LDA5, MFK1-FA, CS4, KLY-3S, CS-3, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration Xiamen MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A
Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences Xi'an MFK2-FA, CS4, MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L, JR-6A
Northwest University, Xi'an MFK2-FA, CS4, KLY-4S, JR-6A
Shaanxi Normal University Xi'an JR-6A
Xinyang Normal University Xinyang JR-6A
Sichuan Agricultural University, Ya'an MFK1-FA
Henan Academy of Sciences Zhengzhou MFK2-FA


University of Mizoram Aizawl JR-6, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism Allahabad MFK1-FA, JR-5A, JR-6, KLY-2, CS-23, CS-L
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore LDA-3A
Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology DehraDun JR-6A, KLY-3S, CS-3, KLY-5A
National Institute of Oceanography - CSIR Dona Paula JR-6A
National Geophysical Research Institute Hyderabad JR-6, MFK1-FA
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur KLY-4S
Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences Lucknow JR-6
University of Lucknow Lucknow MFK1-FA
Geological Survey of India Nagpur JR-6, LDA-3A
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism Navi Mumbai JR-6A, MFK1-FA, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L
Dept. of Geology, University of Pune Pune LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Centre for Earth Science Studies Thiruvananthapuram JR-6
Unversity of Kerala Thiruvananthapuram MFK1-A
University of Vikram Ujjain KLY-3, JR-6, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
University of Baroda Vadodara MFK1-B
Dept.of Geology, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi MFK2-FA


Geological Research and Development Center, Dept. of Energy Bandung JR-6A
Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta JR-5A, LDA-3


Shahrood University of Technology Shahrood MFK1-FA
Geological Survey of Iran Tehran MFK1-A, CS-3, JR-6A, LDA-3A


Dept. of Geological & Environmental Sciences, Ben Gurion University of Negev Beer Sheva JR-6A, MFK1-A, CS4
Geological Survey of Israel Jerusalem KLY5-A, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem MFK1-FA, CS4


Aichi University of Education Aichi MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
University of Kyushu Fukuoka KLY-3S
JAMSTEC CHIKYU Deep Sea Drilling Vessel KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, MFK2-FA
University of Kobe Kobe KLY-3S
Kochi University Kochi MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L
Doshisha University Kyoto KLY-3S, CS-3
University of Kyoto Kyoto KLY-3S
Dept.of Earth Sciences, Ibaraki University Mito JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Niigata University Niigata MFK1-FA
Tono Geoscience Center of Japan Atomic Energy Agency Toki MFK1-FA
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo Tokyo MFK1-FA
Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Tokyo Tokyo JR-5A, KLY-3S
National Institute of Polar Research Tokyo KLY-3S
Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo Tokyo KLY-2
Waseda University Tokyo KLY-3S
University of Toyama Toyama KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
Inst. for Marine Resources and Environment, Geol. Survey of Japan Tsukuba KLY-4S, CS-3
Japan Laboratory of Advanced Research, Tsukuba University Tsukuba MFK1-FA
Japan Marine Science and Technology Center (JAMSTEC) Yokosuka KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, JR-6A


Geoscience Laboratory, Geological Survey of Pakistan Islamabad JR-5A


Univ.of Philippines, School of Environmental Science and Management Los Banos JR-6A

Saudi Arabia

King Saud Univ. Riyadh JR-6A, LDA5

South Korea

Korea Inst.of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) Ansan JR-6A
Chungnam National University Daejeon JR-6A
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon MFK1-A
Earth Sciences, Pusan National University Pusan KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Dept. of Geology & Earth Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University Seoul JR-6
Marine Geophysics and Geodynamics Lab, Seoul National University Seoul JR-6


Academia Sinica Taipei JR-6A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L, LDA-3A, AMU-1A


Dept. of Physics, Prince of Sonkla University HatYai JR-6, KLY-3S


Inst.of Geophysics, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology Hanoi MFK1-B


Australia and Oceania Show



Australian Geological Survey Organization Canberra KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University Canberra JR-6A, MFK2-FA, CS4
Geological Survey of New South Wales Maitland JR-6A
Australian Archaeomagnetism Lab, Dept. of Archaeology, La Trobe University Melbourne JR-6, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1, MFK2-FA
Monash University Melbourne MFK1-A
Curtin University, Dept. of Applied Geology Perth (Bentley) MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-6A
CSIRO, Division of Mining and Exploration Sydney (North Ryde) MFK1-A, CS4, JR-6A, LDA5


Earth Science and Environment, Univ.of South Pacific Suva JR-6

New Zealand

University of Auckland Auckland KLY5-A
Geology Department,University of Otago Dunedin MFK1-A, CS-3
Univ.of Canterbury Christchurch MFK1-FA
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington Wellington JR-6A


Europe Show



Geology and Paleontology Dept., University of Innsbruck Innsbruck MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
Institut für Geophysik der Montanuniversität Leoben MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L
ZAMG Wien, Conrad Observatorium Muggendorf JR-6A


Univ.of Antwerp Antwerp JR-6, LDA5, PAM1
Geological Survey of Belgium Brussels MFK1-A, CS-3, CS-L
Centre de Physique du Globe Dourbes KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L Geologie, Universite de Liege Liege MFK2-FA, CS4, CS-L
Geologie-Petrologie-Geochimie, Universite de Liege Liege KLY-3
Tektoniek and Structurele Geologie, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Lueven KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L


Geophysical Institute, Academy of Sciences Sofia MFK1-FA, JR-6A, KLY-2, CS-23

Czech Republic

Masaryk University Brno MFK1-FA
Dept.of Geology, Palacky University Olomouc KLY-4S
University of West Bohemia Pilsen JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Czech Geological Survey Prague MFK1-A, CS4, CS-L
Dept.of Geology, Charles University Prague MFK1-A, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Geological Institute, Academy of Sciences Prague JR-5, JR-5A, JR-6A, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, LDA5, PAM1, LDA-3A, KLF-4A, MFK1-FA, CS4
Geophysical Institute, Academy of Sciences Prague MFK1-FA, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L


C14 Dating Laboratory, National Museum and DGU Kobenhavn KLY-2
Geologisk Institut, Kobenhavs Universitet Kobenhavn JR-5A, LDA-2, JR-6
Dept. of Physics, University of Odense Odense KLY-2


Dept.of Geology, University of Tartu Tartu KLY5-A, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5


Geological Survey of Finland Espoo MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L,
Dept. of Geophysics, University of Helsinki Helsinki JR-6A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L, LDA-3, AMU-1, PUM-1
Dept.of Geography and Geology, University of Turku Turku LDA5


Université d'Aix Marseille Aix-en-Provence JR-5, MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L, LDA5, PAM1
Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l'Univers, Université Bordeaux 1 Bordeaux MFK1-B
Departement des Sciences de la Terre, Universite Cergy Pontoise Cergy JR-6A, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, LDA-3, AMU-1, PUM-1
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement Gif-sur-Yvette JR-5A, KLY-3S, KLY-2, CS-2, LDA-3A, AMU-1A, MFK2-FA
Centre Littoral de Geophysic, Université de La Rochelle LaRochelle JR-6, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L
Universite de Lille Lille KLF-4M, KLY-2
Laboratoire de Geophysique et Tectonique, Universite de Montpellier Montpellier JR-5A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
CRPG, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Geologie de Nancy Nancy MFK1-A, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A
ISTO, Universite d'Orleans Orleans JR-5A, KLY-3S, CS-3, LDA-3, AMU-1
Universite d'Orleans Orleans MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-5A, KLY-3S, CS-3, LDA-3, AMU-1
Ecole Normale Superieure, Laboratoire de Geologie Paris JR-5, KLY-3S, CS-3
Institut de Physique du Globe Paris JR-5, JR-5A, JR-6, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Museum national d'Histoire naturelle Paris JR-6, LDA5
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie Paris MFK1-B
Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour Pau MFK1-FA
Universite de Poitiers Poitiers JR-6
CNRS, Geosciences Rennes Rennes JR-5A, JR-6A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
Laboratoire de geomagnetisme du parc Saint Maur Saint Maur des Fosses KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
Laboratoire de Transferts Lithospheriques, Universite St Etienne Saint-Etienne MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
Institut de Physique du Globe Strasbourg JR-6A
IPG / EOST, Universite de Strasbourg Strasbourg MFK1-A
Geosciences Environnement Toulouse Toulouse KLY5-A, JR-6A, JR-6, JR-5A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L, LDA-3, AMU-1


Geowissenschaften Universität Bayreuth Bayreuth KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L, JR-6A
Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen KLY-2
Geologisches Institut, Technische Universität Clausthal-Zellerfeld KLY-2, CS-23
Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG) Hannover Einbeck MFK2-FA, CS4, MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L, KLF-3
GeoZentrum Nordbayern, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Erlangen MFK1-FA, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L
Institut für Geologie und Dynamik derLithosphäre, Universität Göttingen Göttingen KLY-2
Geologisches Institut, Universität Karlsruhe Karlsruhe JR-5A, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L
Geologisches Institut, Universität Köln Köln MFK2-FA, CS4, KLY-2, CS-23, CS-L
Dept.of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Universität München München KLY-2, JR-6
Institut für Mineralogie, Universität Münster Münster KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Potsdam JR-6A, MFK1-A, CS-3, CS-L
Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Universität Tübingen Tübingen MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L, JR-5, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L


University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki JR-6


MFGI, Paleomagnetic Lab Budapest JR-5A, LDA-3A, AMU-1A, KLY-2, CS-23, CS-L


University of Iceland Reykjavik JR-6A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L,JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1


Istituto di Geologia Marina CNR Bologna LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Universita di Milano Milano LDA5, PAM1
Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Napoli JR-6A, JR-5A, KLY-3S
Dept. of Geological Sciences, Universita' Degli Studi di Roma Tre Roma JR-6A, KLY-3S, CS-3
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Roma KLY5-A, CS4, MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA-3A, AMU-1A, JR-5A, KLY-3S
Universita degli Studi di Torino Torino MFK2-FA, CS4, JR-6, JR-5, KLY-3, PUM-1


Institute of Geology and Geography Vilnius MFK1-B, JR-6


Inst. of Earth Physics, Geology Dept., University of Bergen Bergen JR-5A, MFK1-FA
The Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics (CEED), University of Oslo Oslo MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
NGU Norges Geologiske Undersokelse Trondheim JR-5A, JR-6A
Norwegian Univ.of Science and Technology, Dept.of Geology and Mineral Engineering Trondheim MFK1-A, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1


European Centre for Geol.Education, Univ.Warzawa Checiny MFK1-FA, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Dept.of Geoecology and Paleogeography, Maria Curie-Sk3odowska University Lublin JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Dept. of Geophysics, Polish Geological Institute Warszawa JR-6A, JR-5, MFK1-FB
Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences Warszawa KLY5-A, MFK1-FA, KLY-3S, CS4, CS-3, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1, LDA-3, AMU-1
Institute of Environmental Engineering Zabrze MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L


Centro de Geofisica, Universidade de Lisboa Lisboa MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Centro de Geologia da Universidade do Porto Porto KLY-4S


Institute of Geology and Geophysics Bucharest KLY-2
Paleomagnetic Laboratory, University of Bucharest Bucharest MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5, JR-5, LDA-3A, AMU-1A


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade Belgrade JR-6A
Geomagnetic Institute Belgrade MFK1-A, JR-5


Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava MFK2-FA, CS4, CS-L
Geophysical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava JR-5, KLY-2
Slovak Academy of Sciences Košice KLY-2


Laboratori de Paleomagnetisme, Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona JR-6A, KLY-2, MFK2-FA, CS4, CS-L
Depto. de Geodinamica, Universidad del Pais Vasco Bilbao JR-6A, MFK1-A, CS-4, CS-L, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Centro Nacional de Investigacion Sobre la Evolucion Humana (CENIEH) Burgos MFK1-FA, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Depto. de Fisica, Universidad de Burgos Burgos KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, JR-5, LDA-3A
Estacion Volcanologica de Canarias La Laguna (Tenerife) JR-6, KLY-2
Depto. de Geofisica, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid JR-5A, KLY-4S, CS-3, LDA5, PAM1
Depto. de Geologia (Geodinamica), University of Salamanca Salamanca KLY-5A
Depto. de Geociencias Marinas, University of Vigo Vigo JR-5A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L, LDA-3, AMU-1
Depto. de Geologia, Universidad de Zaragoza Zaragoza KLY-3S, CS-3


Department of Applied Geophysics, University of Technology Lulea JR-5, KLY-3S, CS-3
Department of Geology, University of Lund Lund MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-5, KLY-2, CS-2, CS-L
Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University Stockholm MFK1-FA
Dept.of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University Uppsala MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6, LDA5, PAM1


Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva Geneva MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
Institut für Geophysik, ETH Hönggerberg Zürich MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L

The Netherlands

Paleomagnetic Laboratory, University of Utrecht Utrecht MFK1-FA, JR-6, JR-5, JR-5A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L
Van't Hoff Laboratory, University of Utrecht Utrecht KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L


University of Istanbul Istanbul JR-6A, LDA-3A, AMU-1A


Institute of Geophysics, Academy of Sciences Kiev JR-6A, MFK1-FA, JR-6, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Kiev University Kiev KLY-2

United Kingdom

School of Earth Sciences, University of Birmingham Birmingham JR-5A, KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L, LDA5
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge Cambridge MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L
School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh Edinburgh MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L, LDA-3A
Geography Department, Lancaster University Lancaster JR-6A
Dept. of Geography, University of Liverpool Liverpool KLY-3
Geomagnetism Laboratory, University of Liverpool Liverpool JR-6, MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Dept. of Geological Sciences, University College London London JR-5A, KLY-2, CS-23, CS-L
Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia Norwich KLY-3S
Dept. of Geography, University of Nottingham Nottingham KLY-3
Dept. of Earth Sciences, Oxford University Oxford JR-5A, KLY-2, CS-2, CS-L
Dept. of Geological Sciences, University of Plymouth Plymouth KLY5-A, CS4, JR-6A, KLY-3S, CS-3, CS-L, LDA-3, AMU-1
Core Magnetics Sedbergh JR-5A, KLY-3S
Southampton Oceanography Centre,University of Southampton Southampton KLY-4S, CS-3, CS-L
School of Earth & Enviro Sciences, University of St. Andrews St. Andrews KLY5-A, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1


Russia Show



ALROSA Company Aichal JR-6A
Academy of Sciences Alexandrov KLY-2
CNIGRI Archangelsk KLY-2
VIOGEM Belgorod KLF-4A
Geophysical Institute, Academy of Sciences Ekaterinburg JR-6
Institute of Earth's Crust, SB RAS Irkutsk LDA5
Institute of Geochemistry, SB RAS Irkutsk JR-6
Paleomagnetic Laboratory, Academy of Sciences Irkutsk KLY-2
Kazan State University Kazan MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA5, PAM1
Institute of Tectonics and Geophysics Khabarovsk JR-6A, MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L, LDA-3A, AMU-1A, KLY-2
LUKOIL Kogalym JR-6A, LDA5
Academy of Sciences Krasnoyarsk KLY-2
Paleomagnetic Laboratory , NEISRI, Academy of Sciences Magadan JR-5A, KLY-2, MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
ALROSA Company Mirny MFK1-FA, CS4, LDA5, PAM1, JR-6, JR-5A, KLY-3S
IGEM RAS Moscow JR-6
Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences Moscow JR-6, MFK1-FA
Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences Moscow JR-6, LDA5, PAM1, MFK1-FA, CS-3, CS-L
Institute of the Atmosphere, Academy of Sciences Moscow KLY-2
Moscow State University, Faculty of Geology Moscow JR-6, MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, KLY-4S, CS-3
Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics Moscow JR-6A JR-6, MFK1-A, CS-3, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk JR-6A, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk JR-6A, MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L
Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk KLY5-A, CS4, CS-L
Geology Institute, Academy of Sciences Perm KLY-2
Geology Institute, Academy of Sciences Petrozavodsk KLY-2
Earth Physics Dept., St.Petersburg State University Sankt Petersburg MFK1-FA, CS4, CS-L, JR-6A, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
RUDGEOFYZIKA Sankt Petersburg KLY-2
VNIGRI Sankt Petersburg JR-5, LDA-3A, AMU-1A, KLY-2
VSEGEI Sankt Petersburg JR-5A, KLY-2, KLY-3S, CS-3
Saratov State University Saratov JR-6, MFK1-FB, LDA-3A
Tomsk Polytechnic University Tomsk KLF-4
Tomsk State University Tomsk MFK1-FA, CS4, JR-6A, LDA-3A, AMU-1A
Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences Ufa JR-6
Academy of Sciences Vladivostok KLY-2
Oceanological Institute FEB RAS Vladivostok JR-6


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Last update >>> 04/2024